Thursday, 27 September 2012

295 : Wipe your dingdong

Having to clean toilets, 3 to be exact, the girls are starting to complain about the male toilet for obvious reason -Pee drippings on the floor in front of the urinals and toilet bowl. Guys being guys, its kinda normal for public guys toilet to be like that, most of us just avoid wet areas, do our business no matter how much of a sharpshooter or a terrible shooter you are and leave. Regardless, the girls don't understand the complexity of the peeing process. Anything can happen, the two streams, the scatter shot, the leak, each toilet trip is a gamble with 5% chance your dick decides to pee some other way then usual. Don't know why the girls complain so much since most times i go in there are only 2 or 3 drops in front of the urinals and toilet bowls compared to the flooded 'pray to god its water" type of toilets.

All the time the girls complain..
Yea, like the female toilets are very clean.
Last time i was on duty there were tissue papers everywhere on the floor of the female toilet. Shame on you!

Anyway, same routine today and one girl said "Guys don't use tissue papers after they pee! So dirty! Why don't you guys use??".
3 guys on the table, my friend and my face went "O.o..."
While another of my friend said "I'm not going to be involved in this discussion.."

She suggested we do it rather then shaking it, with another friend adding "if you shake it more then twice you are playing with it".

Just such a weird suggestion.. Its not exactly wrong but its just something i never expected to ever hear..

Would you wipe your little brother after peeing??



  1. Replies
    1. Right??? I never heard of such thing before! Such an eye opener! lol

  2. The Muslims was it after they pee. It's a must, I think @•@

  3. tsk tsk tsk... when guys and girls share the same house, or even the same toilet in the office.

  4. I use tissue every time... Don wanna stain my undies >.<

    Next time you guys pee, invite the girls along... =P

    1. @JokerPJ: Perhaps you can write one entry, educating the guys how to have a proper cleaning after they pee.

      It would be very informative.


    2. Whats there to elaborate? HAHAHAHA

      shake, shake harder... wipe...


      why dont you write... =P

    3. Lol, joker you banyak underwear already what.. stain one with pee or cum also no difference.. Haha, yes you both can write and educate me on this.. Haha

  5. Yeah, actually when I'm at home or go into a cubicle, I would use the tissue since it's there. Coz in reality, no matter how many times you shake it, some drops will still end up on your underwear/pants/floor.

    And yeah, like Closet guy said, I've seen some guys wash their junk at public urinals..

    1. How do they wash in public urinals?..
      Poke the head onto the urinal water?.. O.o

    2. LOL I see they use one hand to collect water from the flushing urinal, while the other hand holding the ding dong, then they just simbah the air on it lah haha.

      One time I even saw a guy washing it at the basin area in a secluded toilet which is super disgusting because the dirty water just goes to the floor... And he was so embarrassed when he saw me walked in he quickly zipped up and ran off....

    3. LOL, i seldom use the toilet when i'm out lo. Shall go "explore" more often.. hehe!

  6. Replies
    1. I feel like i'm the only dirty guy now.. lol

  7. Hygiene wise, wipe it or wash it if your prefer.

    1. it's a personal choice, after all, it's your own dingdong. if you're the hygienic type, then you might wanna wash it everytime after peeing. there's nothing wrong with washing it or not washing it. it's up to you, your body your business :-)

    2. True true.. Usually i just clean it when i take a shower everything morning and/or night.. But after reading this i find myself washing almost everytime. You people make me feel so dirty i tell you.. lol

  8. More like what's wrong with playing with it :P
