Tuesday, 10 May 2011

5: Loser Like Me!

Okay, I'm sure anyone who watches Glee would agree that the storyline for Glee just spiraling into weirdness.. Kurt finally gets together with Blaine (Awwwww :3) BUT Britney and Santana lesbians?!?
Good effort for promoting LGBT awareness but What The....

Anyways, in a recent episode, the cast sang an original song called "Loser Like Me". The lyrics are epic!
"Push me up against the lockers,
and hey, 
all i do is shake it off,
I'll get you back when I'm your boss

I'm not thinkin' 'bout you haters,
cause hey,
I could be a superstar,
I'll see you when you wash me car."



  1. i love this song! and have you watch the latest episode yet omgg! its so awesome! i love friday! hahahaha.. and rolling in the deep and jar of hearts! love love love!! hahahaha

  2. Haha, i know right!! Awesome song! I follow star world's broadcast so i haven't watch the friday and jar of hearts episode yet! Where do you watch?? I want!! XP
