Monday, 28 May 2012

229 : Carelessness

During a moment of absolute focus,
The brain just blanks out the surroundings,
allowing total focus and attention.
Thats when the carelessness happens.

My mum decided to come over to Melbourne to help me and my siblings during this exam period. Having limited number of rooms, she is sleeping in my room during her month's stay. Of course i didn't mind, it is my mum anyways but as a result, my sense of privacy that i have became a custom to for the past 4 months was forfeited. 

Yesterday, Sam(The guy i rejected, or in this case, is about to reject) asked me if i would like to skype with him for the first time.
He has been showing obvious signs of affection towards me and i really didn't know what to do.
I clearly have no intention of responding to it and though i made it clear, he was persistent.
Maybe the next blog post i would talk about him.
Anyways, i agreed to the skype call. I really wanted to clear everything out with him as soon as possible. He private messaged me near midnight asking if i was available for the call. My mum had already slept and my brother was in the living room. Of all days he hid in his room at night, he picked yesterday to stay outside. So i toke his call in my room.

At first i talked really softly, trying to not awake my mum, but as the conversation went on, i guess i kinda got carried away and my volume returned to normal.

Today when i was alone with my sister, i told her about what happened yesterday. Her replied just send a wave of panic through my whole body. My mum heard my conversation with Sam yesterday. To what extend she heard, i am unsure but she asked my sister about it. About my relationships, about what is troubling me, and was the person i skyping with, a guy.

I can't believe how careless i was..
My sister shrugged it off, telling my mum she don't know anything.
I am not ready for my parents to find out... :(



  1. Ooo~ Sam's a hottie?


    erm, maybe not overreacting would be the best cause of action~ see, its normal for guys to skype each other or call up each other, it no more than friend chat... dont think too much else you revels too much also... good luck =)

    1. No hottie la..

      Yea, shall try to pass it off as a friend chat if i get confronted.. hehe, thanks joker. :P

    2. awww~ dont mention it babeh...

      am trying to get closer to you, you know? hahahaha


  2. as long u deny everything, she wont know a time, since ur sis already knows, take the call inside her room..

    1. Haha, just deny anything and everything?
      Nah, boyfriend in her room.. So can't do anything.. Unless the toilet.. lol

  3. Hmm.

    Perhaps just take this month to focus on the exam, and family.

    After that, you'll be able to have a clearer decision ?

    1. Yea, studies first as always..
      Now if i can focus on studies.. ><!

  4. whoa, daebak~ u shld have signaled him that ur mum is in the room wa, haha

    1. Haha, I see a kpop fan.. DAEBAK!!
      He knows la.. but i forgot.. lol

  5. please don't make the same mistake i did... by letting them know too early. mine was a big havoc... i couldn't bear to live another moment of that again in my life...

    1. Oh snap.. what happened?.. :/

    2. i sort of confessed and then they wanted me to see a doctor to get hormone check.. then comes the psychology... well... it was pretty much a extreme havoc but... for now... they are just putting up a poker face...

  6. the skip a heartbeat moments.

    cover your tracks!

    1. Haha, footprints on the sand..
      Yea, panic mode!!

  7. Yeah... totally careless. I never even answer phone calls around family... or my students... for that matter.

    1. No choice mah.. I wanted to clear everything up asap.. Haha, got students now. :P

  8. Replies
    1. I'm still running free la!
      Not busted yet. Just need to lay low now..
      Like a criminal.. hehe

  9. i think parents usually kind of know... especially mums. They tend to know somehow, even if you don't say it, they will sort of guess it or have suspicions.

    1. Not mine! She was just telling me if i have a girlfriend. And are there any sparks between me and my close friend yet.. i think i just raised the suspicion.. lol

  10. If you deny it, I think she would go on pretending like nothing happened, even if she has her suspiciouns. I think mothers also wouldn't want to open that can of worms. So just deny it if the questions ever come up, if you are not ready.

    1. Yea.. In a way i am happy i brought in the suspicion, rather let her accept it slowly now then suddenly throwing everything on her when i am ready. :D
