Friday, 5 October 2012

298 : How do you love?

How do you love?

Boys fall hard and quick. Not exactly the love with your dick type but rather follow their hearts. Feel what they feel and do what they need to do to get their target. When they are in a relationship, they would love with their hearts but fall out quickly too. One week later they would be out again looking for another, letting go of the bitter memories and moving on.

Girls take time to fall in love. Mostly being caution when making their choice and take time getting to know and evaluate that person before getting into anything serious. Holding on and cherishing only the sweet moments and memories, they tend to fall out really slowly, taking months or even half a year to let go of the sweet memories.


Just what I got from a little impromptu focus group I had with few guy and girl friends.
Something really stereotypical..
True or not, i don't know, but most importantly, does it apply for gays?

For me its fall hard and quick, takes me forever to fall out.. been almost 8 months.. lol

Something random.


  1. Yeah I think it's kind of right haha.. I think most guys fall fast and hard, whether they like boys or girls.. As for the letting go, I think every relationship is unique.. like some are easier to move on, while others tend to just cling in your mind for ages.......

    1. OO! You mean we were actually right! Lol!

      So its like teh tarik la, when its really sweet and you get diabetes, it clings on to you.. lolol

  2. I am in preference the girl kind of way.


  3. Well, I think they should be type A or type B instead of boys and girls. Not all girls like type B and vice versa for boys, so do gays. I think I'm type C (fall in quickly, fall out slowly)

    1. I wonder why i never thought of it like that.. So true!! Type A, B, C. Lol. We both C la. =D
