Friday, 24 August 2012

277 : Power and looks.

Only recently i notice the link between power and looks.
Maybe not high cooperate companies, but at the teen level, the greater the looks, the more authority and command power that person will have.

People expect a leader to be good looking, to be charming or hot.
Just being any of those, people will show respect and become a follower instantly.

With a normal looking person, people look down on them, further emphasizing on  how looks run the world.

Recently a group i was a part of previously had ran into political problems, members not seeing eye to eye and abusing their given power for their selfish needs. In all that war and debate, i heard that one of the members, without the "looks" stood up and starting waving his finger. Being a senior member and all you think he would get some power but heck no. Everyone just went against him. I asked if it was because he had no "apparent authority" and everyone said yes. That's one way to put it but subconsciously i bet its due to looks. If a hot buff guy commands authority, everyone would be his little minions already, wouldn't you?

Another one would be my high school club. My friend was elected president for her dedication and potentials, but still, the members went against her.

Heh, when we see someone we deem ourselves more presentable we look down on them. Society, society, society..

I need my sleep.. lol..


  1. I agree. Looks and first impressions fetch a high price in society nowadays. Just look at job interviews!

    One of two people of similar qualifications will get the job because he/she is better looking. I'm not just claiming this, it's based on personal experience! ugh

  2. hmm.. depends though. Of course looks do take a part in making people to listen because you are simply nice to look at! But abilities somehow counts a lot, at least what I've experienced.

    I guess its size over look at times, because I'm sure I'm one of the oddest instead of hottest looking in most of the mingling circle I'm in, but somehow because of my extra huge size plus peter knows where I've gotten them punya boss-look, people do listen.

    the charisma plays a huge role. somehow you need to be demanding and pressing to make people listen XD

    1. Lol, boss look?
      Maybe that means you are the hottest in your group? XD
      lol, ironically, most people without the looks have low charisma due to low confidence due to their looks..

  3. That's what we are thought to perceive.

    Whatever it is, so long we look good in front of the mirror - that counts.

    Goodnight !

    1. Goals in life to look good naked infront of the mirror.. lol, Nights!

  4. I definitely agree, but sometimes I think it goes beyond just "hot" and "not". Like, there are those people who are extremely commanding, and they have very commanding features, but they are like... not "technically" beautiful or hot? I'm not sure how to explain it. LOL. But you know how in some social groups you will have the one person everyone likes, who is the beautiful and hot one... and then you will have the other person everyone listens to, who is the not "technically" beautiful or hot one but has commanding features.

    1. But when someone is extremely commanding, alot of people will question their authority? like the "im better then you" attitude kicks in..

  5. Replies
    1. Yea.. Need to go into the deep part.. xD

  6. I think it may have something to do with the way we have evolved as well. Physical things like "attractiveness" and the predisposition to development of certain physical features goes beyond that of the cultural, I think. In fact, it is my belief that human culture in many ways developed hand in hand with our own biological evolution. What we know as "hot" or "not", "beautiful" and "ugly" in members of our own species, for instance, may very well be a by-product of hundreds of thousands of years of secondary sexual evolution. Pretty much in the same way a certain bird eventually grew to be as beautiful as the peacock, the "human animal" grew to develop physical characteristics considered to be favorable or attractive to its own kind. The main difference between our secondary sexual selection and that of all animals, but especially "beautiful" ones like butterflies, peacocks etc. is quite simply that our own process has been compounded by our expanding intellect, and birth and development of "human culture".

    Anyway I won't bore you with the full account of my theory! Hahaha for further information do read the completed dissertation when it comes out :P

    1. It doesn't bore me la! Its interesting in the sense it would be some facts in life that i would never had thought about or come by ever! haha pretty interesting if you ask me.

  7. Looks or appearances are a type body language which is more powerful then many can imagine. Without speaking a word, the influence it has to change a person's view is pretty high. But looks alone won't be able to give you the power you need in reality. It goes beyond that.

    1. Ooo! Damn nicely worded!! But you know there are those die hard people that follow those good looking people no matter how badly they lead.. haha

  8. Depends really :) Those who don't have looks on their side do work harder. And that's coming from someone who's crazy involved in almost every club in school - and yes, I was the president and treasurer for a few. Then again I was insanely kiasu as well.

    1. Kiasuness its an awesome trait.. Haha, but i guess without the looks, you don't get the confidence that lets people lead the way that kiasuness can be a substitute.. :P

  9. I have to totally disagree. A leader should be able to send the message clearly that he is in charged. The posture you stand by, the tone of your voice and the eye contact alongside body language would put the message across the hall well and good as to who is boss. A good leader would be able to give a sense of direction to his team. A pretty face would not take you far. After a while, people would tend to not bother you anymore. Hitler wasn't good looking, but he made a damn good leader.
    Have self confidence, that is true beauty. Its in everyone of us, but how one brings it out to shine is what that matters.

    1. I know what you mean but as i said at the teen level of society and organizations it works with looks. Haha, i already put in consideration about the mainstream leaders and all but for most of the young people now, looks are the ones that dominate the society's food chain, then as we get older.. it goes in reverse and the "not so good looking" people will run the businesses. Haha
