Thursday, 30 June 2011

40: Pride Month

Today is the last day of pride month! Did you guys do anything special this month? The month passed like any other month for me.
On the last day of pride month (Today..) I got invited into an event : Wear a rainbow day XD. Haha, such a cute event, i had to join!! So yesterday i started digging my wardrobe and all i could find was silicon bands.. haha. I did my best to wear a rainbow! Was a very happy day for me. :P

Not very rainbowish right? haha.



  1. I didn't even know that it was the pride month! O_O

  2. well didnt do much was in the office whole day... sigh disappointing whole month also cant remember zzzzzz anyway ur band matches ur shoe hehehe.. i used to wear colourful band...

  3. YEYEH!!!! WEAR A RAINBOW DAY!!!! <3 I also wore rainbow arm bands but mine are made out of threads and rope. LOL

  4. I think the wrist bands and the stripes on the shoes called out rainbow.


  5. so cool.. too bad i dont wear accessories.. hm.. maybe in future la...

  6. @aiden, lol i dint know till the middle of the month. :P

    @KeeCeeJay, i used to only wear one band only. But starting to like filling up on bands. hehe

    @Jason, actually not exactly half. I wore red, orange, yellow bands. My shirt was green, pants was blue. haha, lacking of two colours. XP

    @Cyren, Wore a rainbow day. :P

    @ooi, lol.

    @Chen Xing, haha, my fav pair of shoe!! :)

    @tuls, dont wear any?? I feel bare if i dont have at least one thing on my arm. haha, habit i guess.
